March 23, 2024.
The Supplementary Regulations have been updated in Section 16, point 8, to clarify each cone or barrel is an element of a chicane or traffic control measure and subject to a 15 second penalty if hit as per CARS rules.
Some co-drivers in 2023 experienced motion sickness, it may of been a bug going around. If you are susceptible to to motion sickness consider some sort of preventative measures.
The snack bar is expected to be open most of the day. Bringing your own food and drinks as a backup is a good idea.
April 1, 2024
Detailed stage schedule:
We are running two tracks, the Nelson on the south side and Fabi on the North. We plan on having two run groups, A & B and they will alternate between tracks before combining as one group for the long track. After lunch they do it all again in the opposite direction. The participants in each run group will be determined on Wednesday evening.
April 2, 2024
The routebooks for this event are somewhat different to the distance and Tulips we normally see. Instead we are using diagrams of the various tracks; there isn’t much opportunity to get lost or go off route. We publishing the route books so you can have a look and familiarize yourself with the format.
Group A Routebook (15Mb)
Group B Routebook (15Mb)
Of course, we’ll have printed copies when you register.
April 5, 16:45
-The snack bar at the track will be open at 7:30 with coffee and breakfast sandwiches.
-The track is mostly dry with a little standing water in a few places.
-After the introduction of officials and competitors meetings at 8:30 you can recce the track at a maximum of 50km/hr only in the counter clockwise direction. Be aware that there will be workers on the track doing setup and they may be stopped or driving in the opposite direction. You must be off the track and back in the service area by 9:15. This is in addition to the sighting laps before the runs.